His mercy and compassion has come to my body and soul. When I was in danger of death and evil has come over me, Jesus came along my path and delivered me from cancer and emphysema. O God, I shall forever thank Thee, honor Thee and glorify Thy name.
The Lord is gracious and merciful.
He is great in kindness and good to all.
The Lord is righteous in all His ways.
So, let us all bless the Lord.
Let us all give Him praise.
I will bow down before Him and adore His holy name. He has done great things in my life and I am so thankful to Him.
By His grace I am still alive.
He has chosen us from the beginning of the earth.
We were predestined to be heirs of the kingdom of heaven.
Adopted, redeemed, forgiven.
Lavished with loving kindness.
His care and mercy surround all of us.
Those who believe.
Shall taste how good God is.
I stand in awe of You, holy God. Your praise is due in my life and in my future life in heaven.
For You o Lord are glorious and worthy to be praised, honor and glorified. Unto You we shall lift our voice in praise, adoring Your name, day and night calling on You. Just as David said....
I will praise You everyday, I will praise You forever and ever. The Lord is great and worthy of praise. No one can understand how great He is.
Psalm 145:1,3
The Lord is gracious and merciful.
He is great in kindness and good to all.
The Lord is righteous in all His ways.
So, let us all bless the Lord.
Let us all give Him praise.
I will bow down before Him and adore His holy name. He has done great things in my life and I am so thankful to Him.
By His grace I am still alive.
He has chosen us from the beginning of the earth.
We were predestined to be heirs of the kingdom of heaven.
Adopted, redeemed, forgiven.
Lavished with loving kindness.
His care and mercy surround all of us.
Those who believe.
Shall taste how good God is.
I stand in awe of You, holy God. Your praise is due in my life and in my future life in heaven.
For You o Lord are glorious and worthy to be praised, honor and glorified. Unto You we shall lift our voice in praise, adoring Your name, day and night calling on You. Just as David said....
I will praise You everyday, I will praise You forever and ever. The Lord is great and worthy of praise. No one can understand how great He is.
Psalm 145:1,3