Beloved of All
I went to a church last Sunday, and the message was out of 1 John 5, and He also spoke of Buddists, Idols and what is an idol to Us; No one nor nothing, that I know of, is more important than Jesus, but He said everyone has idols. I am very tired of all of the absurd false accusations and compromises in our town's Pastors and Churches all over. I know We are to be set apart, and not be closely yoked with baal or unbelievers, even if We are in the World. He also warned of stuff and the dealth of someone, along with vegetables, tables, etc. Today, I have had the worst swear words come into my head, and I don't want one, or any cult evil satanic voice or spirit. I don't want to be mad like that inside, because of something that they have lied about, or bitter. Oh, he also warned of gossip, lieing, and Slander and hostility. That's a very good thing to be free of. One of the Pastors from another church (who I won't mention the name of or church, hasn't even given communion in more than 6 months, except once-He is an ex-Catholic, so what do they have against communion, because some of their teachings are error in that Church? It's hard to know what to do now, because everyone I know is a liar, or slandered, and a gossip, even in the pulpits and leaders from church to church in my town, and I don't want to be bitter, angry or hate anyone back. He warned from Acts about Lieing! I'm afraid for people, and have prayed for them lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do give my money always, but they want Me to BUY, BUY BUY, AND I GIVE, NOT BUY!