Humble Servant of All
I was just reminded of Michael Carother's book "From prison to Praise" where he iterates repeatedly that we are to thank God for everything, every situation. So here goes: Lord I want to thank you that our bills are all so fat behind and that we don't have the money to pay them and that I have no clue what to do anymore. There is no light at the end of this black hole. Thank you Lord that mt husband's wages are going to be garnished and that I will catch his wrath because of it even though it is not my fault. Thank you Lord that you choose to let me continue to live in fear and anxiety because of our finances and that you give me no hope of it getting better or helping me find a way out. Thank you Lord that I can't seem to find any happiness. Thank you Lord that mt husband can be a butt about everything and treats me worse than his students. Thank you his daughters keep causing us financial distress. Thank you my son who desperately needs a car can't seem to get one and is trying very hard. Thank you that you gave my children to a monster who lied about everything and that my youngest son was allowed to be brain washed against me. Thank you that there wil be no Christmas joy in our home. Thank you that our families think we should exchange gifts and especially for the grandchildren(I personally) believe they have more than enough now. Thank you Lord that it is going to be very cold tomorrow and tomorrow night and the next day as I don't tolerate cold weather. Thank you that this is my 7th Saturday sitting in the woods with no deer to kil to put meat in the freezer. Thank you I am still alive and miserable because I have tried to be happy but the heavy burden of our finances won't let me. Thank you that no matter how much I read the bible and pray life is not getting better. Thank you that you don't want to take away my pain and suffering and that you had rather me suffer the wrath of my husband.
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