I want to Share my testimony, how I came

Sujit Sircar

Disciple of Prayer
I want to Share my testimony, how I came in contact with Lord Jesus. As a matter of fact, I heard this name during my early childhood days. My date of birth happens to be on Christmas day, which also falls on Sunday, hence on my birthday many people used to call me Jesus. As a child I did not understand what does that mean, however the name Jesus was a very familiar name to me.
I was basically born in Hindu Bengali family and by virtue of this, I learnt about various Gods and Goddesses that are usually worshiped in our society. Though our family was not too religious like most of the Bengali family of my generation was, neither we were very modern or atheist too. Our belief in God was there but we were not too serious about visiting temple and other religious rituals.
When I was around 5 or 6 years old, we were living in Air Force colony at Chakeri, Kanpur, as my father was an airman. In our neighborhood there was another Christian Bengali family whose name was Mr. and Mrs. Bar. Mrs. Bar was very good friend of my mother, as most of other Hindu Bengali family used to avoid them for being a Christian, however my mother had no such hangover and she was very friendly with them.
Bar family had one daughter called ‘Khuku’ , who was of same age of me and Mr. Bar had a younger brother called ‘Manu’ who was little elder than me. Being children of same age group, both Khuku and Manu used to visit our house and I too used to visit them almost regularly. While visiting their house one photograph that attracted me most was of one bearded person with very attractive eyes. This photo was hanged in their house and I assumed that perhaps it was photograph of Khuku’s grandfather.
Once there was heavy dust storm and due to which the photograph of that bearded person got tilted and it was just hanging with the support of a small thread. I noticed that and told Khuku, “Look your grand pa’s photo will fall down. Take care of it”.
Khuku was bit confused and asked me where her grandpa is. I pointed her towards the photo of that bearded person. Khuku immediately took a stool and put the photo frame on the nail properly and told me that he is not her grandpa. He is in fact Jesus, their God, they worship him. She further said that Jesus is very good God, always cares for them and whenever they are in trouble they pray and Jesus protects them.
This was the first time I got to know who Jesus was, but was wondering why I was called Jesus on my birthday. Later on I learnt from Khuku that I share the same birth date that of Jesus. I was also bit confused as she told me that Jesus was God, as I found this God is very different from Gods and Goddesses that I am familiar with. However I never questioned her on this issue.
After few months Khuku, Manu and I decided to go to one park for playing, which was little away from our residence. My mother was little reluctant to allow us, as it was winter season and very soon it will get dark during evening and as a child, we may forget the way as no elderly person is available to accompany us. However Bar aunty told my mother that these children are sufficiently grown up and can come back of their own. So we got permission to go to park after giving assurance that we will return back before evening.
After reaching park, we found many other children of our age and we got engaged in playing various games. Besides that there were many attractive swings and other playthings available and we all forgot everything and started enjoying the park to the hilt. We never realized that it was evening and it is quite dark now.
Suddenly Khuku realized it and asked us that we should stop playing now and it is time to return. We hurriedly came out of park and Manu said now we will return through another shorter route which goes via a narrow lane. We entered into lane and found there were many other lanes and we moved from one lane to other and finally lost our way. We were also not sure from where we entered. At last we reached to one road which was totally unfamiliar to all of us. There was no one on the road at it was winter season. So we did not know how to find way to reach our home.
At that moment Khuku proposed that let us pray to Lord Jesus and he will help us. So we all three of us started calling Jesus loudly and requested him to help us. Within few minutes we noticed one person was coming towards us on his bicycle. When he came near, I recognized him as he was someone familiar to me. He was surprised to see me and asked me what I was doing at this hour, so far away from my residence. I told him the whole story and asked him for the way to reach home. He then took all three of us in his bicycle and we reached our home.
Khuku then told me, “Look! How Lord Jesus helped us as soon as we prayed him.” It was my first experience of praying to Jesus.
After this incident after few months, we moved out of Kanpur and many years passed and I was grown up man completed my education, got employed and got married and had one daughter. This childhood incident was almost forgotten and neither had I ever met Khuku or Manu in my life. During 1998, Jesus once again appeared in my life and this time with a bang.
During this time I was working as Project Manager in a well known manufacturing company at Ghaziabad. I worked in this company for about 10 years and made valuable contribution in the success and growth of the company, however company management did not give me much recognition. My promotion to higher level was due for long time but I was denied that. Finally I had to confront with the management on this issue, which made my life more uncomfortable in the company.
Finally I decided that I must quit from this company. However before quitting I must have some alternate job offer with me. During those days I met one of my ex Boss called Mr. Khurana, who was having his own consultancy firm. Mr. Khurana had worked in many well reputed companies at very senior positions and after that he started his own consultancy firm. When I met him, he had got very challenging offer for job from a very big company and hence he was interested to hand over his company to some trust worthy person. He offered me to buy his company and run it. However his shoes were too big for me to handle and besides I was not so wealthy person to buy his company.
So finally he offered me a time bound job, where I have to help him to prepare various documentations for his last project, as he cannot do it himself because of his new assignment that he has got. He was ready to offer me same salary that I am getting in my present company. I accepted his offer immediately and resigned from my present job. I was very confident that within the time frame of next 6 months, I will surely find some new job for me. Till then I have some temporary assignment in my hand.
However the industrial environment was fast changing during those days and there was very big recession going on in the market. Every company where I approached for job was telling me that there is no recruitment going on now and I should wait for some more time.
This way 6 months had passed and my temporary assignment was also completed and now I was jobless. My wife was working in a school and earning meager salary and my daughter was studying in school. Only consolation was that I had built my own house a year back, so I was free from housing problem at least. However remaining without any job was really a concern and I was getting desperate due to current market scenario.
Almost nine months had passed when I resigned from my last job and I did not get a single interview call. One day I got one call from a job consultant who wanted to meet me. I went to his office at CP, New Delhi and met him. He looked at my Resume and after reading carefully told me that my resume is really very attractive. I had very good exposure in my field and he has at least 5 to 6 clients who are looking for person of similar profile. However the problem is my age. Nobody will take the risk of hiring a person of aged 48+. Had I been in my thirties, then people would have grabbed me.
Finally he suggested me that I should think about starting my own business in my field. He told me that now I am at right age and experience to start of my own, instead of looking for job. Job market is going to be too tough for people like me and if I keep on waiting for job then I may miss the opportunity to do business as well. If I remain unemployed for more than 6 months then there will be no chance of getting any more employment.
I came out of his office and was totally disappointed after this meeting. I never thought that I can do any business as I had no idea how to start any business. Besides I had very limited amount of money as most of my savings were spent for buying my house. I just started walking aimlessly in the lane of CP where I found one book seller was selling his book on the street. I just stopped in front of bookseller and started looking at various books. Suddenly I noticed a book with a title “How to cope with tough time” which attracted me immediately. I just looked at few pages and gone through various topics, which was really very interesting for me at that point of time.
I purchased the book and started walking back to New Delhi railway station to catch local train for Ghaziabad. That day due to some reason I came to Delhi by local train instead of driving my own scooter. There was no train available for Ghaziabad at that hour, so I found a place in the platform to sit and started reading the book.
The book was really very interesting and I felt that the book was especially written for me, looking at the frame of my mind at that time. After sometime I boarded the train for Ghaziabad and again got lost with my book. I never knew when the train reached Ghaziabad and suddenly realized it when few passengers asked me whether this train is for New Delhi or Old Delhi.
I immediately got down and found another place to sit and by that time I had already finished reading half of that book. The next chapter was “Do You Know Jesus?” The author of that book was in fact a Bishop himself so obviously he will try to promote Jesus name. However I had enough respect for Jesus, so I started reading that chapter.
I was totally moved by one sentence on that chapter where it was written that “Jesus is someone whom you can ask for help when you have lost all the hope. He will certainly send his representative to help you out and if his representative failed to deliver then he will himself come and help you.”
In normal circumstance if I read this sentence, perhaps I would have dismissed this claim, but I was in such a desperate situation that this sentence immediately pierced my heart, as if somebody has written this sentence with a fire on my chest. I was not able to control myself and tears suddenly started coming out from my eyes. I don’t remember how many times I read this sentence again and how long I wept. I suddenly remembered my childhood encounter with Jesus, as mentioned before and remembered about Khuku and Manu and the whole thing really made me very positive again. It was getting dark and I got up and returned back to my home.
My wife was bit worried as I was too late and asked me how the meeting was. I told her that there was nothing great in the meeting but I think now my bad days are going to end soon. I did not elaborate much on this but went to a room and prayed to Jesus and told him about my problem and asked him for help.
After this incident 2 or 3 days had passed when I came across a letter where I was invited to attend a interview where they were looking for educated, retired or unemployed people to promote the sale of encyclopedia called Word book. I had no prior experience of sales or marketing, but I thought perhaps it was from Jesus, maybe he wants me to find new opportunity in my life, something different from my past background.
I accepted their offer as they were ready to provide me free training about their product and also how to do the marketing etc. The training started and I was really enjoying the training as I felt that this is really helping my personality to improve. Perhaps I needed this training very badly. Perhaps Jesus is trying to prepare me for the future.
After about 20 days of training, suddenly one letter was received by me and after opening the letter I literally jumped with joy. It was an interview call from a well known Semiconductor company based in New Delhi. I had visited this company number of occasions before for various businesses, while I was working in my last two companies. After quitting from my last job, I had sent my resume to them too. They considered my application after 6 months.
I was getting ready to attend the interview which was to be held at Naraina at New Delhi on next day. When I got up in the morning, I found there was too much mist and it was very difficult to see even the gate of my house from the window. I came out from my room and it was really terrible situation out there. In such climate it will be very difficult to drive and since Naraina is almost 50 to 60 Km away from my house, so I must immediately leave for the interview, if I want to reach in time.
I asked my wife to prepare breakfast for me and by 7.30 AM I left home with my scooter. It was very difficult to see anything on the road due to heavy mist and I was moving ahead like a blind person. Almost by 10 AM I reached near Delhi Ghaziabad border. The road during those days were not well made like today and there was a chance to fall on the ditch near the border where road ends. As I was driving like a blind, suddenly I heard a loud voice “Halt!!” and I immediately applied brake and I noticed that my scooter is just at the end of road and had I applied my brake after fraction of a second, I would have fallen into ditch. I knew it was none other than Jesus who saved me.
Then I turned towards Delhi and started driving again after thanking Jesus for saving me from imminent accident. After I entered into Delhi, sun appeared in the sky and the mist was getting clear, so that I could drive my scooter at the speed of 30-40 Km/hour. Finally I reached to my destination well before schedule time.
After reaching the company, I was greeted by Personnel Manager and he told me that I have to clear a written test before qualifying for interview. I was little upset and protested to the Personnel Manager that I am not a fresh graduate out of college, who has to appear for written test before interview. Normally for any senior post, company conducts direct interview, which is a norm in most of the industry. Personnel Manager told me that in this company it is company policy to interview a person only after qualifying written test for any post including any senior post.
Well I thought it is futile to argue rather than agreeing to appear for written test as I had no other offer in my hand. The personnel Manager handed a question sheet to me and left. The paper contained 100 objective questions related to my field and many other fields as well. I was asked to attempt as many questions as I can and finish within 1 hour. Each question had four possible answers and I have to tick on the right answer only.
As soon as I started looking at the paper, I clearly heard a voice telling me that this paper is too easy for me, only I need to read the questions carefully. I looked around and found nobody there but this voice was coming again and again. Since I had driven for last 3 to 4 hours in chilly winter season, full of mist, my brain was totally frozen.
I started reading first question but I could not understand anything. I kept on reading next questions but failed to answer any of them. When I reached to 7th question, I heard the voice once again. Now I read the question 7 with little more concentration and I found it was indeed a very easy question. Now I again turned to first question and I found that it too was very easy question. This way I continued further and found the paper was really very simple for me.
So, after almost 30 to 35 minutes I went through the total paper and I found 90 per cent questions for which I could find the answer very easily. The remaining 10 questions were of totally different field for which I had no knowledge. So I did not attempt them.
After 1 hour the personnel Manager came to collect the paper and by then I had revised the paper at least 2 or 3 times and was ready to hand him over. He asked me to wait for some time and within 10 minutes he will let me know whether I am qualified for interview. I was at that time absolutely sure that I have qualified for interview.
After about 10 to 15 minutes, the personnel Manager came to me with lots of excitement and congratulated me that I have secured 90 per cent marks, which is really surprising for the whole higher ups of the company. According to them this paper was pretty tough for people of my age and they would have selected me even had I scored 45 per cent. So far nobody had ever scored more than 65 per cent in this kind of test, in the history of the company.
I was immediately taken to interview room where two gentlemen were waiting for me. Later, I learned that both of them were IIT graduate and working in this company for last many years. One of them was VP Engineering while the other was VP Marketing and Manufacturing. Both of them were very tough interviewer and they are expert in making any candidate very uncomfortable with their difficult questions.
Surprisingly both of them were extremely courteous and nice to me. They only asked few personal questions related to my family background and some other personal details. They ended the interview by asking when I can join the company and what salary I expect etc. For me this was clear signal that I have been selected for the job. Perhaps my performance in written test has completely bowled them over and they did not think it necessary to waste time in asking technical questions.
Within a week I got my appointment letter and I joined the company roll immediately after that.
All credit for this success, I only give to Lord Jesus, as I never got any job ever before so easily, neither I heard anyone else getting entry into this type of highly professional company in such a smooth manner.
Praise the Lord!!
Our God of peace, you have taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and in confidence shall be our strength: By the might of your Spirit answer this request, we pray of you, so we may be still and know that you are God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.

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