I want to lift high the cross, the love of Crist proclaim till all the world adore His sacred name. Ths is my desire. Also my house belongs to Jesus. He is the owner of everything I have. My car, my van, and my ranch house too. Please Jesus use it for your glory and honor. My stocks and bonds should be used to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Please God, save all the scammers who want money for themselves and to waste on drugs and alcohol. I also want to visit the sick in the hospital beds and pray for them. Jesus told each and everyone of us to do so. Specially the elderly who also are sick. They need to hear the word of God and who will tell them? But you can do it and all the members of the church too. Preach the gospel to all prisoners there is. They really need Jesus in their hearts and repent of whatever wrong they did and find true peace in Jesus. This we pray in Chrsits name. Amen