This is a tough, tough addiction to break, but you MUST do it. Pornography does so much harm. It breaks up marriages and relationships, it makes men view women as objects to be used, it makes it harder for the man to enjoy intimacy with a normal woman because the women in these porn flicks have all plastic surgery on their breasts, etc., and they are airbrushed. Just not real and nothing the average woman could possibly measure up to. Also, because so much kinkiness and weird stuff is portrayed, normal, loving sex becomes less of interest to a man who views this stuff. They have even done studies on men's brains that show that when they are young, it actually changes their normal sexual inclinations and makes them too aggressive. It also leads to masturbation, which is a sin. My advice to you -- Get help. There are many Christian support groups that help men (and woman too -- now it's 30% of women who are becoming porn addicts) to conquer pornography addiction. And remember, it absolutely is an addiction, just like drug addiction, gambling addiction, smoking, drug addiction, etc.) Please get help. It is very tough to conquer this addiction without the support of others. You can probably find many Christian support groups in your area just by surfing the net. In the meantime, do the obvious: Set your computer to keep away porn. Don't go into areas where they sell porn, stuff like that. I am praying for you. I want you to be FREE, to be the child of God you already are and to be able to have normal, happy intimate relationships with the woman God chose/chooses to be your wife. God bless you, Lamb.