Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
I suspect one of the signs {"Symptoms"} of the last days is everything falling apaart. Things that were "stable" in the past colllapsing, and even people and factions that weren't high on each other, disintegrating into complete hatred . One area this is very evident to me is our politics.The Democrats and Republicans were always on opposite ends, but at least in the past could somehow find ground to work together for the greater good. Now , they REALLY delve into personal attacks, and despise each other.But moreso than even that,within the partys there's more "infighting", like the "extreme left" of the Dems and the "moderate ones" are at odds,and Republicans within their ranks breaking with each other.{"A house divided against itself will fall"}Besises this, families are falling apart, years long friendships are breaking up, marriages of several years suddenly have cheating spouses. These things happened in the past, BUT it didn't seem like to an extent like now.{or as often} Don't think it's a coincidence, I'd think it's part of of this sysyem collapsing as we go into its end. The same with if in the past if someone did something "not nice" to you, after a while they might think about it and feel some guilt and even apologize.Now, they don't even feel remorse over it. "Evil men will wax worse and worse."2 Timothy--"In the last days people will be.."I think what's happening is our real nature is coming out.Jesus called it birth pangs, I see it more as death throes.