Disciple of Prayer
I married to my first love when I was young, put all my heart in a 10 year long relationship but he betrayed me. He fell in love with a prostitute quickly. He insulted me that I couldn't live a life as she does. From me all he heard were work hard, behave well, don't drink too much. But he wanted to have fun. He brutally smashed all my truth, pride and confidence. I almost killed myself. The bad experience lasts even till now 27 years later. Since then I have trust issue with men, divorced with the second husband after found out he lied to me, constantly blame myself for going into the 3rd marriage. During the background check for work, I didn't remember what I was thinking but skipped reporting the first marriage. During the interview by investigator, I insisted that I didn't have other marriage besides the current one and second one. I consider myself as an honest, hard-working, kind and God-seeking people, lying about the first marriage information really took my peace away. I sinned! I blamed myself, lost sleep, couldn't concentrate, couldn't function well. God please forgive me, please know I was so shamed by the first marriage! God, I will never lie again! God almighty, please help me!