Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
I see there are many Christians who are not running to get the vaccine. Don't let the other side make you feel guilty.And here's why--Isee alot of hypocrisy on their side, like,while making us the "bad ones," and even "outcasts", for excercising our choice, they back these female murderers{women getting an abortion} by proclaiming it's a womans "right to choose" to have her baby murdered, even late term abortions,They can choose what to do with their bodies{although the baby is a separate body]"I knew you when you were in the womb".Also, I've seen where people who back off in terror when someone passes by, they pull down the mask to smoke a cigarette, which causes health problems. So just saying don't let them "cow you", or make you feel guilty, with their self-righteous lectures,.
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