Prayer Warrior
I Prophesy decree declare myself and my family souls have our happiness our good vibes
forever happiness happiness forever DNA
based my prayer site is protected forever DNA
based corndogs suck down arrows every minute everyone who is a good thing is pleased with themselves we have our JOY of the LORD our knees minds everything ADONAI gave us Loosen VERSE PSALM 64:2 Hidden from the secret
agents of SATAN Myself and my family have our energy and strength when we when our weak he is strong
in us YAHWEH JEHOVAH JESUS knees are strong into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence upon into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence into we win always in the name of JESUS listen
hear the sound of music to EDDIE JAMES voice in your heads ears corndogs then RICK RINO voice then JOYCE MEYER voice do not stay in a PITY PARTY
LET IT GO it’s over like the sopranos into existence all the way from the spiritual to the physical in Jesus Name Amen That’s it that allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll