Prayer Warrior
I Prophesy decree declare I get a room at my motel
none ya business
then Lani and Donald get a room Lizzy gets a room with me to anytime she wants or with Noah or something. I get help getting room that’s no one’s business Lani and Donald go back to Mc Donald’s in Lodi and be happier with there own room for privacy. I can pay
at least 3 days to get in for peaceful reason. I get SAGE corndogs midianites evil doers loose everyone’s breathe. I get my House
finally and Mama can come home
no one
business and the white car 209 DIAZ miracles . Who loves is near me breathes near me and can see me. Rubber bands hooks
from Weird Kayleena Weird Kyle Weird Luis Torres Weird Kayleena Weird Jennifer Lopez are off of everyone’s back jaw no more barren days anymore I’m no one’s conduit portal or my kids mama my people. Myles Hass Enrique Michael set free from all bands upon bands Paula’s are rebuked forever Anthony Ferguson rebuked . I need a TV
that works GREATLY I need a skillet
I need a miracle I need to move as fast
as coffee
️ I have more stufffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff then usual I need a miracle I need that people that are fast
that can move fast
I meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn fast
I need to come in with my big break through that no one
knows about forever into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence into existence in Jesus Name Amen