Disciple of Prayer
I prophecy decree demand command declare that I get along with everyone no one nothing has my vibes my kids vibes my family that's a good thing light family vibes energy power light signatures we have our harvest what we worked stays with us what God gave us talents gifts stays with us movements peace Earned Glory positions earned Joy of the Lord loose verse Psalm 5:12 Shield is up remove leviathan from all marriage covenant no pride LOOSE VERSE Luke 2 52 Shield
is up and were Highly favored loose verse Psalm 79 12 you pray it keep it loose verse Deut 8 18 Never again we will be the tail not the HEAD
loose verse iam sitting in heavenly places far above all principalities might and dominion Eph 1:3 loose verse I speak
into existence now for angels to be released to war and win against any spirit in the heavens and people assigned to block my my kids family that's a good thing innocents light signatures family prayers from being answered Dan 10:12-13 loose verse Heap mischief upon them and spend your arrows upon them Deut 32:23 loose verse Send your arrows and destroy them Psalm 144:6 Loose verse Send out your arrows and scatter the enemy Psalm 18:14 LOOSE VERSE Shoot at your enemies with your arrows Psalm 64 7 loose verse Shoot at your enemies with your arrows Psalm 64 7 just keep shooting no drama for my life
my kids family that's a good thing innocents light family loose verse Deut 28 6 we are blessed coming in and going out loose verse Make your arrows bright 

and release your vengeance upon mine my kids family that's a good thing light family enemies Jer 51:11 Loose verse I release the arrow of the Lord's deliverance in my life my kids family that's a good thing innocents light familyloose verse I release 2 Kings 13 17 Forever loose verse I release your Sharp 

into the Kings enemies Psalm 45:5 loose verse Ordain and release your arrows against our persecutors Psalm 7:13 loose verse John 10 10 10 10 10 10 Diaz Diaz Diaz Diaz Diaz Diaz Diaz send as many arrows as possible my parents are well my family parents are well we have our air our movements our prayers are in our DNA
based period permanently no one has our Angel domain dominion GPS online time energy signatures Joy of the Lord Glory 2 Glory loose verse I shall decree a thing. And it shall be established in my life
my kids family that's a good thing innocents light family Job 22:28 forever
based period permanently loose verse Hebrews 4 12 Quick and powerful sharper than any two edged sword
piercing even into the deepest of marrow of the bone
now all the way from the spiritual to the physical now in according to Yahweh Jehovah Shalom today is peaceful day I get a great job no fighting ever again with Micheal no one uses my mom's anoiting against for anyone else no more disgrace on my face name or my kids family that's a good thing innocents light family forever let those wicked people thieves be brought to everyone let them see there faces let them have no shower no home no Grace no favor no one has a heart for them let them have there own drama and no peace in anything no prospering because they are weapons loose verse Isaiah 54 17 weapons byeeeee and name them weapons with my arrows so my name is clear free favored and my kids family that's a good thing innocents light family Hebrews 4:12 again now fastJesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen

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