Prayer Warrior
I prophecy decree declare I get the room to rent Bless calls me back county pays for it. Blue Shield gives me the JOB from home easily I pass the drug test. No one can grab my air or my kids my families make us 3 ever again. The lawyer finds my case fast accepts the bankruptcy I give the loan documents to the worker so I can get the GA 200 at least to pay my phone bill and needs met. I get a shower today. Let my arrows keep flying until my kids and I husband's God tried to give and Enrique are set free from everyone that is not a good thing for us. Send out my arrows until everything in my way for me to have a normal peaceful life is out of the way. I get a houseboat in New Zealand since here I was denied everything in my life . I can work in my old JOB in New Zealand in Idea services when it's time to go home making more then here in the states easily running a home for the consumers again who need help to or something else easily. Send not YOUR arrows and scatter the enemy Psalm 18:14 Make my and my families innocents husband's God tried to give me and Enrique enemies turn their backs with your arrows upon there strings Psalm 21:12 Shoot out YOUR arrows and destroy them Psalm 144:6 Send your arrows abroad Psalm 77:17 Send out arrows of light into the kingdom of darkness Hab 3:11 Heap mischief upon them, and spend YOUR arrows upon them Deut 32:23 Shoot YOUR arrows upon them and let them be wounded suddenly Psalm 64:7 Let your arrow go forth as lightening against the enemy Zech 9:14 Break their bones and Pierce them through with your arrows Num 24:8 Shoot at YOUR enemies with YOUR arrows Psalm 64:7 Set YOUR Mark upon my enemies my kids families innocents followers for your arrows Lam 3:12 Make your arrows bright and release your vengeance upon my life my kids family husband's God tried to give me Jer 51:11 Keep shooting the arrows until I have a shower get a place to live and remove everyone who is FAKE from us let them be shown due to extreme hatred jealous people against my life don't let them ever come home to New Zealand let be dropped in the river sea instead for killing GODs heart hopes and dreams. Let the doors open BOAZ comes into my life no more confusion who is just here to use me for there own reasons. Let the BOAZ come only that Is only a good thing no more drama no more lies everyone is out of my air everyone is out of my kids air families air we are free then send it back there air has everyone in it no one remember's my name my kids name that shouldn't they can loose there minds today as there are way to wicked to be alive and then no one remember's me or my kids followers stop that are not helping there just moving for themselves anyways they start moving a different way for themselves far away from me My husband I get my family and kids they start driving a way different way I get a shower and have a great night tonight I get to have fun be around happy people who have a heart for me bring in the light as much as it takes give me back all my prayers breakthroughs there with someone else then show me the truth y none of the husband's made it God desired so I can decide what best for me as I have been denied even a shower normal lifestyle I just get killed and my kids here in the states. Let my kids and I Lizzy and I go home to New Zealand let the doors open now and keep sending arrows upon them bring in the LIGHT no one can be FAKE GOD sees the heart not anything else keep the arrows going so I can leave the SUV already and have a normal life in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen