Good and Faithful Servant
I previously posted a prayer request regarding my friend Aliana. She is married with three kids. She and her husband have no licence or a car. They have to rely on rides to take their children to school . She had her last baby almost three months ago. She asked me if I knew any babysitters. My mother agreed to watch her baby until she turned 3 months old, which is when she is eligible for daycare. I live in the suburbs and my friend lives in the city. Because she has no means of transportation, I offered to pick up her baby and sometimes bring her kids to school. Then bring the baby to my house every morning before I go to work at 8:30. Its been easier because my mother and I take turns picking the kids up. We also drop the baby off everyday.It takes 45mins to an hour to pick her baby up, drop her kids off at school and go back. I believe GOD wanted us to help her out so we did. However, now my friend says she actually needs a permanent babysitter. It has become more of a burden, not to mention the gas money and time. I feel bad, But, we can no longer help out. I feel my mother and I have helped her out significantly for the past two months. I ask that GOD give me guidance in this situation.