Beloved of All
Adonai Yeshua HaMaschiach of Nazareth, I humbly first and foremost beg for forgiveness for the sins I have done today and the days before, for the sins Lehavit & her family has done, on behalf of all my friends and the people in Kibbutz bar'am and my family back home, I pray in your mercy you will forgive us or give us a chance to know and submit to you. Whatever I set my heart on it never works, I have realized it Yeshua and as painful as it is for me from my human earthly perspective, I acknowledge that Your Father, my G-d Y-H-W-H knows better. So I trust him and thank him for this year and for all the days of my life . For making me set-apart from so many others, for giving me gifts on understanding your word and to help people know that there is truth in you Yeshua and your Father's word always. May your will continue to affect Don's and Merci's and all the lovely people who pray for me. May your name Y-H-W-H and Yeshua be glorified in this planet and may all evil and good surrender to your might. Amen