broken winged
Humble Prayer Warrior
I pray this night because malice has banged on our door this day. We have just received a notice of termination of our lease due to being in breach of our lease. The issue has been going on since May of this year due to a neighbor we once were friends with moving UNDER us. We have 2 toddlers potty training, an 18 year old, 7 and 12 year old. Our home is a family of seven yet ONLY a 3 bedroom apartment. Yup, I know cramped so we sleep downstairs with our babies so that all of our school kids have their room and it makes life easier being on the first floor with potty training toddlers who many nights after a bathroom break have a hard time simmering back down to sleep. Due to us living above many we try our very best to control the situation(noise) as BEST as we CAN. Their little feet seem to disturb one neighbor a lot and his bedroom is rite below my toddlers
, unfortunately. Since his move he has been quite the headache, ALL bothers him. Mind you the man plays playstation till morning or watches movies and talks on his cell. He does NOT work for he collects disability and shares living with his parents. We have complained to the housing authority yet WE get the notice... Shocker. I guess many knowing how babies are isn't enough especially when they need their beauty sleep to do nothing. We knew that this issue would play out this way and took all possible measures to ensure we handled things the best way possible NOT to be in the position we are now... possible eviction Dec. 14th... great
what an x-mas goal huh. We have been awaiting a miracle transfer OUT of here being on the transfer waiting list for 8 yrs. now and still counting. Knowing this person BEFORE he moved under us is what has motivated our prayers lately of a move due to THIS being the precise result. I can NOT afford to loose the only rite thing that has kept us stable all of these years.. housing. The hot issue is slipping out of my hands and I pray to save my family from homelessness. To take on a loan ONLY to pay a high rent is a trap that I am not gambling with. I pray that in the morning when I go to dispute the notice I am understood and a miracle come from our meeting or awaiting us when we go. Being able to spend this christmas at peace is gift enough for me. I have knots in my tummy and throat as I write this prayer due to the uncertainty of the outcome. I pray to be blessed with the rite words to sway our favor so that we may not be terminated or have a tainted record. With ALL the hurdles we have had to overcome I pray that our home not be another. The housing manager knows how long we have wanted to move out of here because we knew that our grown family size would bring a bit of trouble due to the fact we live in such cramped quarters. Our living has been quite the pergatory these past years of late and freedom would be appreciated whole hearted. I pray for REAL resolve to this issue before the holidays begin. Less stress and misery is a gift we await daily and pray that the wait be over. In Jesus Christ name... Amen.