I pray that we all seek God first in this life and that we turn our eyes to Jesus Christ. We all are sinners in this world and we all need God's loving hand in our lives -- I know that there are worst situations than mine and therefore all I ask is that we pray to have God touch our lives to turn our lives towards him. There are many here on this earth thinking that they are in control of the situtation that is happening at this moment, but as written in the Book of Job -- the devil is a busy soul and he is trying to gather as many souls as possible before Jesus returns -- All you have to do is look around you and see how busy the devil is. My life is in God's hands -- I came to this site to ask for prayer -- but in reading some of the request, I ask God to touch all the lives here that have petitioned prayer -- it seems that we have forgotten to live according to the Word of God. On Divorces -- it is written that Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and liewise also the wife unto the husband. Chapter 7, 1 Corinthians. We are living in the end of days of a mother can kill her own child or a child can kill his own father. We all need to get a little closer to God because the devil is sooo busy. I pray for all souls to find peace and that God's Will shall be done -- on earth as it is in heaven. Amen