Servant of All
I pray that all my negative thoughts and fears will be intervened by God almighty. I pray for forgiveness for all my sins and shortcomings. I pray for a completely renewed life. Lord, hold me close. Let your love surround me. Never permit me to succumb into temptation. I know that I have sinned so much. Please forgive me and do not punish me o God. I rebuke in Jesus' name all my worries and fears of bad karma. That no external factor will harm me nor humiliate me. Help me to be smart to win arguments. Please Lord, guide my actions. Don't let external forces, shame or bad situations come into my way. Please help me win life. Guide my thoughts and actions o Lord. I also pray for longevity, vitality, health and wellness for my parents, siblings, nephews, nieces, uncles, aunties, grandmas/pas, friends, loved-ones and all people o God. I pray of free from illnesses, diseases, viruses or sickness. Give us good health always o God. Protect us. Give us good sleep, heal us o God from sickness in mind, body, heart, and soul. Free me from pains emotionally, mentally, socially and physiology. Lord, Please forgive me for all my shortcomings. I am begging you not to punish me, but instead take me out from the dark. Never let me fall down again o Lord. I also pray that I will be regularized and that I will be able to finish my masters this year. Lord save me. Vanish my pain and replace joy in my mind and heart. Help me not to be affected with my x anymore. Please give me my destined wife. Please fix my life o God. Through the intercession of all the Saints, Blesseds, Angels in heaven, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name. Amen.