I pray for myex to stop harrassing me and slandering mine and my husbands names. Cps calls with outrageous claims, constant emergency custody cases and custody cases outside cps and plain out lies upon lies manipulating and lying to our daughter whom he claimed and told everyone, short of Santa clause, when she was 2 that he never wanted her and I tricked him into having her and he is trapped with a child he never wanted. I kicked him out and wanted them to continue to have a relationship so I would pack diapers,wipes,formula,food,bottles,clothes, and supplya carseat and gas monet so he would see her. He lived In a 4 bedroom (including attic), rat and cockroach infested house with 7 adult smokers, so she was immediately showered and everything cleaned when she arrived home after 2 days. I also went 5 years on top of 2 with only $50 a month in child support because he refused to work and when it came up for review which canon's happened erythromycin 6 month he would quit 2 Das prior so he wouldn't have to pay. I even split the tax credit with him and he as still yet to pay more tan 250 a month in child support and nothing else (school supplies,clothes,shoes,or anything at all) towards her 6 extracurricular activities or tuition. She is now 12&1/2 and he's married to someone he met while she was 9 months pregnant and tried to leave after 1 year of marriage yet he claims me and my husband! who has done everything for her that we are trash and dony care for her and we put her in rags so she looks poor, we purchase only, nike, under armor, victoria secret, pink, justice, ugg, and anything else she wants such as Armani x glasses. Ìts not that I need his help, its what he ìs doing and saying that I i can't stand for. I've prayed and now I ask what more cam I do God? I've done all I could and I'm at the end of my rope. Much love and God bless,prayers are needed more than anything. Much love God you have me