Humble Servant of All
I pray for healing spiritually mentally and physically. I pray for great health, a new home, a new job, a new car and a new iphone. I pray to be healed from mild scoliosis and flat feet I pray to be healed from the tear in my back I pray for my teeth to grow back due to me not brushing them they became very sensitive and some started to fall out. I pray for strength and protection and to be forgiven from all of my sins and to be healed from my past. I pray for a new home so I can be free from living with my mother and having to put up with these neighbors but the building I seem to stay in is very negative I been living here for years since high school and just pray for a new home As I type this prayer now I feel like the man upstairs is listening to me he's above me and doing things trying to make me feel lost he was doing something to me and I haven't been feeling like myself something felt like it was wrong with my breathing even the inside of my body I felt like something was wrong I just want to be free from this issue and be healed and back to myself everyday it's a battle I feel like giving up sometimes because I pray but I can't take waiting I even leave the house just to find peace of mind but it only works for a while I still feel different even when I go out I don't be feeling like myself I walk to the park but I can't stay there all day or walk for hours I have no peace right now and want to be at peace and for my body to heal I pray for healing for all aspects of my life I was always very intelligent and very pretty but I felt like I let myself go or that things started to change I pray that whatever is bothering me that I find the strength to heal and get over it I pray that my body heals and that I'm able to walk and run fast I feel very unhealthy sometimes and like I can't do normal things I was very unhappy for years and had nothing to do my mother used to stress me out very bad she made me not want to take care of myself or get dressed I used to see her staring at me and rolling her eyes at me through the mirror and she would always have a attitude with me and she would always try to compete or be noticed around family members I didn't like her I felt like she had issues and I realize that I have to get away from her and move on she's very envious and she don't like me because my brother even told me she was saying stuff about me and she kicked me out of the house she said that I was coming in the house too late but I was only in the hallway and I didn't like the man upstairs for a very long time I felt like he was jealous of me and whenever he see me he tries to act as if he not bothered or as if he don't see me I feel his negative energy and just don't like him I never cared for him as much to not like him but he got issues and be all over the place I pray that my body heals and that I get back to myself he be slamming things down and I know he's doing it on purpose and to be funny I just pray to be forgiven from all of my sins and to be back to myself and to heal from all the discomfort that I face on a daily basis I argue back with the man next door I can feel him doing things with his hands and eyes through the wall I feel like he put a curse on the floor in my room cause when I walk the floor make a lot of noise and it never did that before and my body started to change and it's like he's doing things to irritate me and make me uncomfortable I feel like when the room I sleep in used to be my brothers room he didn't bother him they had the same problem at first but then he started to calm down now he's back slamming things down he move around very slow and I can feel him standing by the wall and if I would walk on the side of the room where the noise seems to be coming from he would start to move very fast I pray for better days and for a new home I don't like living next to these people I pray for a new job as well and that I'm able to get back to myself