Humble Servant of All
I pray for great health, a new home, a new job, a new car, and a new iPhone. I pray that my mental health gets restored back to a healthy mind and my physical health as well. I am taking medication for schizophrenia and I pray that I'm able to come off of the medication and be healed and restored back to great health. I pray that I receive protection from the three neighbors that I have in my building who seem to be sending spiritual attacks through the wall. Whenever I walk or move parts of my body I can feel the man next door feeling aggravated or annoyed so he starts doing things to annoy me and he was staring at me when I was just walking to go inside my home and he whispered something to his family member who was staying with him last summer. And everyone was inside his house started making a bunch of noise whenever I would walk through certain areas of my house. And the man upstairs he listens through the vent and he always listens to me when I talk or walk inside of my mother's room and he would even do things with the toilet as I would be sitting down the toilet would start making a bunch of loud noise and I feel like it was coming from him. About a month or two ago I was sleeping and this same man was moving things upstairs inside of his apartment and I heard it and I turned around in my sleep and I felt like something strange happened to my eyes. I haven't been feeling like myself and this actually been going on for a few years, with the neighbor upstairs and him dropping things and making a bunch of noise. I pray that the spiritual attacks stop and that I be protected. And then, there's this man and his girlfriend who live next door from me, I just feel bad vibes from them two especially the girlfriend when I first saw her she was staring at me and making faces and I never did anything to her and she seem to be annoyed or moving around whenever she see me. I pray for protection and to be healed from these people who seem to be throwing me off especially from the man upstairs and the man next door. I can feel the man next door doesn't like me and I never did anything to this man he just miserable and it bothers me because I'm young and I want to make noise and move around in my house he was mad about that and I even heard him on the floor one day longing for air and I was just walking in my room he's not right. I pray for healing and that my mind, body, soul heals and that I get back to myself.