Humble Servant of All
I pray for blessings, Lord! Bless this day for me and everyone around me! Bless my daughter with love and care, that she feels supported, loved and safe! That she prosper in everything meaningful to her and to You, Jesus! Keep her safe from harm! Bless my husband with a good day at work! Help him help himself to get help. Bless them bith to be saved by You Jesus! Bless my workplace with love, kindness, joy, safety and peace and calm! Fill the plave with Your presence, God! 
Bless the patients with feeling taken care of, at ease - both of mind and of physical discomfort
Bless me and my coworkers with calmness, humbleness, ability to see and love the patients as You would, wisdom from You to do right by the patients and give them the treatment they need. Help us care for them so they feel seen, safe and loved
Protect all of us from any harm