Urgent: grandma and da dneed urgent healing from God. and I praise God for his Healign and thanky u all who have been praying for Schnider VIlmosné and my fmaily healing. God belssoyu forevr for praying for her and my fmaily.Urgent pease continue to pray of rmy grandma who is very ill. shneeds the lords salvaiton and deliveranc eof all flesh eatign bacteria. helaign of her heart VERy weak Heart Oxygen ciruclation problems. by the Lord Jesus Christ. helaign need of her deformed body circulations very narrow arteries low blood pressure and very deformed body muscle atrophy fluid build Up.kidney stones and ver yhard arteries seizures and VERY WEAK. Pelase pray really nd a miracle. I praise and I thank God sh is alive. I prase God that she peed today. she has VERY big touble gettign waste out due to small bowel obstruction syndorme andalso cross sondrome and VERY narrow arteries. can only feed hervery litte and then food gets trapped and then blood pressure goes super high or due to other pbstructiosn she cannot get waste out. Please pray in agreement that the Lord Jesus Christ has victory over all illness sickness and sisease and all the roots caus of these illness over my grandmas life. that He deliver her form all manner of sickness and isease form dementia and all neurological degenerative disease form all blood impurites for HIS Glory. Please urgently also pray fo rmy dad . who is very ill LUng problems infection lot sof phlem trouble brathign. I prasie God its nto covid but he Really need oxygen formt he Lord an dhealing of insulin problems and also gout and achilies and bactera. Lor dpleas eotuhc and dliever my dad form alle vil and dleiver him formt he root caus eof all his helath problems touch him Lord havemercy and dleive rhim form all satanic bodnages please Lord int he nam eo fhte lOrd Jesus Christ. Hela His lungs please Lord. Heal and dleiver lal peopel form all flehs eatign bacteria. Please helam ymom's heart Lord and dleive rher form all flehs eatign bacteri Lord Jesu Chirst for oyur Glory. PLease give her oyur salvation . Also heal Vilike form all flesh eating bacteria. dleive rhimf orm all evil and provid ebest care for him best environment bes tof the best and may we see him soona nd may he see hismom soon heale dby ou LOrd Jesus Christ . For oyu rglory. please dleive rmy brother and his wife and her fmaiyl form all evil. adleive rus all form all evil. Please heal all peopel who are sick and brign healign to all people. Please dleiver all people form the devil Lord. Please hela my grandma. Please heal er for your Glory. Help us all to do your will. Hela am y fmaiyl and dleive rus formt he devil. please to the same for all people. Please hela mybrothers histmanien intolerance and heal his body and dliever himf orm depression. Pease give my dad helaing and deliverance formthe deivl. inthenameof he Lord Jesus Chirst. Please help us Lor dhelp us have mercy and hela oall on this iste . hela the elderly. thanky u lord. Praise to YOu Lord and Savior the Lord Jesus Chirst. Thank you for praying . God bless you forevr. who pray for my grandm aand fmaily.