Disciple of Prayer
I posted last week stating the suffering I was going through last weds day I was rushed into hospital with more chronic stomach pain my son rushed me to ### they gave me morphine which helped but the worst was to come I had X-ray showing a blocked obstruction still in pain the drs came my son and daughter with me they said it’s very serous and had to be delt with now the dr said there’s 50.50chance of the treatment and surgery was the next option he said I wouldn’t survive surgery due to all my illnesss I had to have a feeedong tube in my nose and capita so I don’t need to go toilet the next thing was a solution to was everything out but it wasn’t 100percent efffective they said they’d give me a dye to see what’s going on that night my children were devestated they were crying endlessly praying they thought the treatment might not work my daughter asked others o n TikTok to pray for me my son was holding my hand holding back his tears saying he didn’t want to loose me I also prayed so hard.for a mirical the next morning my bowls opened I thanked god so much which meant the obstruction. Was open.the drs came and couldn’t find the other X-ray then said the treatment worked everything was completely cleared I thank anyone that prayed for me god Allways come right at the right moment