I have sinned in using porn. It has affected me financially in the past and present. My idleness at work has caused me to lose my job. I am hurting and in pain. I have a wonderful wife and wonderful children. I love God but feel embarrassed and ashamed. I feel anxious and desperate to fix the...
Please, people of Prayer, Please will you all Pray in the name of Christ Jesus that Our Lord God will forgive me for my sins of gluttony and lying. I am in desperate need of miraculous healing, but it seems that God is ignoring me. I have spent hours apologising to God for my awful behaviour...
Last night some insect like musquito try to enter my nose but I deeply pull it out with my breath and todays night I was passing through a place where the whole areas where light out so some insect get into eyes and it started to feel like pepper I need your prayers that any demon that was sent...