Beloved of All
I need your prayers in Jesus name I declare my relashionship with pb is restored now healed now blessed protected flourishes is alot slot happier better closer stronger deeper than ever before in every way now in Jesus name communication is restored between me and pb in every way now pb text me now abundantly calls me now abundantly opens up all his feelings to me abundantly now apologises to me sincerely and means it abundantly now tells me he loves me in every way now shows all his love to me in words thoughts actions abundantly now tells me he wants me back with all his heart now tells me he misses me so much now does all trying chasing with me in every way now without delay we both get get back together now without delay i am totally amazed athat the difference in pb towards me in every way now pb is totally faithful to me in every way now always is never ever interested attracted to any other girl women ever but me he only ever wants to be with me only me forever he will ask to marry me now treats me like queen princess in every way now always will do anything for me he can't wait to see me be with me be back with me I am the very best ever thing ever happend to pb in every way he knows g his feels this do very strongly in every part of him will say this to me now he tells me he lives me all the time