Disciple of Prayer
My Father and Lord, I come to you in this prayer to initiate my day in Your will. Please release me from all that is corrupt in Your eyes, and keep me safe and afar from all that is wicked and deceptive. Provide for my every need today, and let Your will be the only force that directs me and operates me. Please make a way, Father, where there was no way before, that Your will may saturate every aspect of my life and every aspect of myself. Help me to believe that I deserve your full attention and commitment, and release me from every resistance that wages against You. Let Your will become my will, from the surface of the conscious to the bottom of the unconscious. Permeate me in Your holy fire, that all obstructions be destroyed, and Your holy light will penetrate all that I am. Make known to me, Father, all that I must know today, and bestow me with your blessings and revelations. I plead the blood of the lamb over these words, claiming my right for Your will to be done upon me, by the covenant of the cross. Please reveal yourself to me as a Father who cares, and permeate me fully by your grace.