Disciple of Prayer
Hello, my name is Mark Fleener. I've spent around 2 years (2015 - 2017) recovering memories of abuse/manipulation/gang-stalking/molestation in voodoo rituals (my mom, grandparents, the maid, and whatever shamans they could find), thru various stages of development (even as an adult), where I'd even end up falsely accused of rape, multiple times, through middle/high school (they even had a kid start masturbating in the middle of 8th grade class, and would set things up so that I'd end up blamed for the deaths of friends). I started recovering the memories of it all, tying the dots together and realizing the reality of voodoo, after I was guru touched by my mom and cursed by them all in 2015 (at the age of 39). The touch threw me into an immediate state of psychosis (that lasted the 2 years) (I didn't know anything about voodoo and the chakra system) which was made worse by their cursing me. They used my mental instability against me (lying to cops/doctors) to get me locked up for many months at the psych ward in Florida. Being in the psych ward was as horrific an experience as I could imagine. I got beat up on, twice (now require long term physical therapy), picked on biweekly, none of the doctors would believe me about the abuse (misdiagnosed me with paranoid schizophrenia, as if I was making it all up in my head), they violently took away my right to refuse medications, threatening me with more the more I tried talking about the abuse, over medicated me, and accused me of faking side effects, thus putting me in the ER (no lawyer will take my case). I even ended up with an infection in the mouth, which my mom has paid to get treated, because the mental hospital didn't send me to the dentist (couldn't floss while there). I have always been dependent on my family to survive, probably only managed to work 4 years out of 25, and they had given me a car and house to rent out rooms and make $ to live on (in 2015, at the beginning of all this psychosis stuff, which is now gone), but they took it all away (even my pets) after they got me locked up long term, with lies to the cops/doctor, saying that I threatened to kill them all on a day that I had actually apologized for my behavior (CPTSD fits while integrating DID). I'm now out of the psych ward (psychosis went away just before they put me in, wasn't the medication that took it away), but have found that my family has basically abandoned me in an assisted living facility, ignoring my begging them to help me again (my mom even ignores my trying to talk about the memories I've recovered). I really hate being at the assisted living facility (not having a car/house/pets anymore), have to share a room and bathroom with someone else, which is very difficult for me (introvert with a bit of OCD). They charge $1,700 per month (a private room would be $2,500), which SSI pays a maximum of $675 (which should be $750, except that I was overpaid while in the psych ward, and robbed by roommates after I got locked up, so they're taking out $75 per month for the next 8.5 months), FACT Team (Florida Assertive Community Treatment) pays $800 of the rent, and my mom covers the rest (between $150 - $225, instead of letting me have the car/house back). The counselor and my mom keep expecting me to go to work again, which I can't imagine myself succeeding at, not at all, no matter how much I'd like to be able to (already tried for 25 years). My mom leased out the house to someone else and often yells at me, wrongfully blaming me of the condition it was left in (roommates trashed the place and robbed me after I was locked up). She even yelled at me for not paying her any rent, when in reality, she had told me to that I didn't have to, and, I had at one point even offered to, which she ignored (after she put a lawyer between us, with restraining orders from most my family members). She says that I don't have what it takes to manage a house and rent out rooms, but it is all I can imagine myself doing to live. When I am moved out of the assisted living facility, most of the money coming from FACT Team will be taken away, and the system will likely expect me to live on the $750 from SSI and probably around $85 from EBT food stamps, per month, and there's just no way whatsoever that I'll be able to manage that (used to spend more like $20-$25 per day on food). I've tried living on $190 per month EBT food stamp in the past and I could barely make that last 1 week out of the month. Please pray for me and my family. Pray that the people which leased out the house find a reason to move out. Pray that my mom let the people which leased out the house move out so that it can be given back to me. Pray that my family forgive me for having had a mental breakdown. Pray that they not abandon me in this system for long. Pray that they soon give me back the house/car and help me rent out rooms (support me) again. And pray for my health (a bunch of health issues have come up as I've turned 40, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, fatty liver and cirrhosis from junk food (which I've mostly quit), worsening of eye sight, aches and pains from having been beat up, depression from being abandoned, etc). Pray for my mom's health, so she can support me. She says that I wont get the house back until she dies. Pray that she not make me wait for her to die. I just wont be able to make it that long. Thank you!