Beloved of All
I need some help. Bear with me. I started being attacked by demonic spirits 3 years ago after I expressed to my family that I wanted to get married in a normal, Christian relationship. It was like a benevolent spirit came to visit me. I thought maybe this was an ex or benevolent female ghost who wanted to visit me and kick my hand or foot. Like Reiki energy or something similar. It was a complete lie. The spirit became sexual and as soon as it crossed the line, the rouse was over and I began to be physically and sexually attacked by demonic spirits, saying haha sucker we tricked you. I'm talking about needling, burning, bruises, torment to prevent someone from breathing and sexual assault when I slept. Verbal insults 24/7. The Holy Spirit left me. I whipped myself with a jump rope to make the demonic spirits leave. I fasted from food and water for 4 days to make some of the worst sexual assault stop... Some of it did. (The demonic spirits pretended to cry.) Fast forward 3 years. I was evicted from my house and charged with a misdemeanor by my family who thought I was crazy. I lost 2 jobs. The charges were dropped but I am currently homeless, still being attacked by demons. I know I need to fast and pray, but I'm angry because it's not my sin. It's their sin. No amount of forgiving other people will make it go away. I'm totally preoccupied with my most basic survival needs every single day. It's like I need to go somewhere completely isolated to get them out so they have no access to water and food from people nearby. These ARE people from my past attacking me. I have seen them leave my car and walk off into the street. They ARE my former friends and the unclean demonic spirits of people who have departed. The worst person is my best friend's little sister, Alicia... Alicia always had a crush on me, but the feelings were not returned. I grew up in an abusive family and in my early 20s, I attempted suicide. After that, Alicia came to visit me. She said, to us, it's like you did die. We had a funeral and buried you. She asked me if I thought people who committed suicide deserved to go to hell and I said no. Alicia suggested I donate my brain and body to science because if I did, then she could as well and that way we could (in her mind) be together forever and instead of being in her 'ugly' body, she could be with me in the form of a famous person or a movie star. The conversation totally freaked me out. Unbeknownst to me, Alicia practiced witchcraft and cast love spells over me when she was growing up. Before I attempted suicide, Alicia said and did things to make me look unattractive to other people. She said things like, I can't wait to see what you do when nobody wants you! This person and her sister are ringleading the demonic attacks and harassment. All I want is for these people to get out of my life so the Holy Spirit can return. Your prayers are appreciated to completely and fully remove them from my life.