Johnsstarry sky
Humble Prayer Partner
I need major help!!! First let me say that I am a firm believer in God, Jesus and Heaven and Hell!!! I'm a firm believer that my four legged kids and my Father and my Grandparents and my Inlaws and all my Four Legged friends are alive and well in heaven waiting for me to come home as much as I look forward to going home to them!!! I will not let anyone take that belief from me, heaven to me is a diffrent place then what so many try to preach to me. You see, to me what good is a gate made of preciouse jewels and sidewalks made out of Gold and cities made out of crystal??? I've never had any of that stuff here on Earth so why the heck would i want it up there??? My Heaven is a Nice country house with a wrap around patio and a gravel road where my parents and loved ones live near by. A place with a beautiful yard with water gardens and flower beds and a huge farden and full of Animals who I have always respected and loved and held higher then mankind!!!! A place where my family will celebrate Holidays and family get togethers and all go to church on Sundays, a place where my past memories, my present memories all meet up with a tomorrow where we are all together again and this time forever without all the obstacles of this world, please dont write back to me and take that away from me as thats the only thing I desperatly look forward to. I hope to walk with Jesus down that gravel road and talk to the animals and take care of them forever. But while I desperatly look so forward to that day, I find myself having to live in a messed up world and my messed up life. Whether you believe its right or not is not what I'm speaking to you about, so please keep your opinions to your self as words hurt far more then actions and I think thats something all of us believers need to remember!!!! I've been with my partner for 19 years this comming August 30th, we have been through hell and back again over and over and over again, and what we have been through may straight couples of today would of ended their marriages years ago!!! We have been in a major accident that took the life of our Angel four legged son, almost the life of my father and the life of my partner and I didnt get one scratch!!! Its a nightamre I have lived with all these years!! We have lost my Partners Father and watched him take his final breaths from a hospital bed, we have watched my parents go through adultry and suicide attempts and finnally divorce and back together again, we have watched my partners Mother go through mouth cancer and finnaly take her last breaths from of all things mersa of the lungs!!! We have gone through the death of our beautiful Samantha Jane our fourllegged kid and angel with diabetes and bladder cancer, we have gon thorugh the Death of our other beautiful Fourlegged angel gir Maia with sudden kidney failure at ony 8 years old and only being with us for two years, we have gone through the Death of my beautiful Father who fought for this country in world war two and dies from kidney and heart failure in his bed at home, and we are going thorugh a difficult time right now with me taking care of my beautiful Mother who is elderly, and stumped down by a disease known as parkinsons, I whipe her behind, I dress her, I give her the meds, i bring her to her appts and honor her with all my love and care here with us at home. I take care of her 24 ours a day with no help from family because my family hates me and my partner and no longer care for their mother!!! My partner has Prostrate cancer and Copd and perhaps lung cancer as well!! And two new fourlegged girls Copius and Kelly have thier health problems as well that have asked for your prayers for in the past. I've been unemplyed since December, and I'm not to blame as it was cut backs. All of this has taken a toll on our lives, but not my faith and not my love for God!!! I pray day in and day out for our day of reckoning, the day my prayers and dream comes true when i have my family forever without all these obstacles!!! Please once again dont take that hope and my faith away from me as you can not speak for God!! And I know that God loves me and my family!!! What I need prayers for is simple, My Marriage has been hit with distrust, anger, terrible words said, terrible actions made and the love is dying because of the obstacles we are going through. Although I pray to God myself for a good Job and for help with the health of my family and the togetherness of my family, I firmly believe in the teaching of God that where there is more then one praying the prayer is more opt to be heard and answered!!! I'm 49 years old and feel as if I havent even lived my life and now I'm commming to the end of it already and havent done any of the things I had always hoped to do, always one obstacle and one pain aftger another to bring my life and everything I've ever wanted down!!! I dont blame this Earth, I blame the devil and the people who work for him!!! Infact I'm a firm believer that God should of never brought the Devil down here to this beautiful blue sphere floating in the darkness of space. This planet is a true wonder and a true testimate to the love and beauty of my God. I pray everyday for the animals and the nature of this garden we live in, I pray to God that the prophecies of the animals burning up and the trees and the oceant will never come to be, as I ask God to have mercy apon the innocent animals and the innocent trees and oceans and to take them all to heaven before he brings justice upon the devil and mankind!! The animals and nature have never done God wrong, its mankind, its the beast, they are the ones that should be punished and yes that goes for me and for all of you as we are all to blme for the destruction of this beautiful beautiful world that God created!!! Please pray for my family, for our love, for our togetherness and for our finances and for our health problems, that God will let his light shine through all this pain and bring peace to us once and for all. And if my marriage is thorugh now because of all this hurt nad pain, that i may be able to make it thorugh this life on my own with my kids and still to help my Mom. All I ask for is your prayers and not your condemation. Never condemn a believer in God and his Son, everyone should have their own speacial relationship with their God, and that should never be taken away from anyone. Thank you, and I pray for your love and your helping hands. Thank you, John