Member 914213
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I need GOD to cleanse me and purify me from all my sins i have ever committed and from all unrighteousness.I had committed many many sins in my past. I used to steal food at school I brought trouble sorrow and worry to my family. I even tried to fight my parents once and even tried to hurt them with a glass bowl. I also tried to assault a student at school once. I have also committed the sin of lust many many times. I also said the f swear word to my mother once. I used to always rebel against my parents and not obey them and not listen to them. I also brought embarrassment and disturbance to my parents and my family by stealing a muffin from the cafeteria and another by stealing a staff members lunch at school. I also sent an inappropriate love message to my biology teacher once. I used to always skip school. I never wanted to follow rules or listen to anybody. I always wanted to do my own thing. Even at school i never obeyed my teachers. I always wanted to do my own thing. I also used to always talk back and be very disrespectful. I also used to steal a lot. I was also stubborn and rebellious and i always hardened my heart. I was also having anger and rage. I was always having a wrong mindset, using social media incorrectly,listening to secular/worldly music, watched secular movies watched secular TV shows and also looked up people on the internet and also looked up people's social media profiles on my phone. I need GOD to remove the sin of idolatry out of and away from me and out of my life forever. I need GOD to remove all witchcraft and all demonic assignments and all demonic things and all demonic contracts and all satanic things and all satanic contracts and all evil things out of and far away from me forever and out of my life forever. Now i want to turn away from all these sins and seek forgiveness from GOD and come to repentance and be saved. I want to have a clean and pure heart and a godly and pure mindset. The BIBLE says in the book of 1 John chapter 1 verse 9 it says If we confess our sins, HE is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
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