Beloved of All
please Lor dldiever my dad form homlessnes and hela his heart valve adn giv ehim exclelnt oxygen to heart sme wiht my grnadm And B. heal Vi form sutismprovid ebest care for himand help him do OYu will.ehla my mom in every way. Lord setus free formt he enemy. thanky ou Lord OYu are the best thanky u for helaign my gum teeth right now. help us to take no htoguht for our own live shelp us to serv eouy and bask iny ur love.. your way... tnhnyk you Lord. draw out hearts away form sin adn away form evil drawour hearts to oyu.. fully in thenameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. i pelad oyur hOly blood upon this prayer. Make us dooyur WIlltoday. thnaky ou lor dlal of us onthis planet thnak you int henameof the Lord Jesus Christ.form lonliness depression heal his bod yhis teeth gums giv heim lif ean dlif ien abundance dleiver and sestroy the works of the deivl for him ynd my mom bels smy paernts wiht wisodm udnerstnaidn even baout them selves and fill thier hearts iwht hop and fiaht in you Lord. For YOua re the Lord. ipray of rhtier salvaiton.pelas ebless my grandma iwht excelelnt digestion excelelnt muscle sworkign and dleiveranc eform allunclean spirits and giv ehe rmerry heart. giv em strength and seire and motivaiotn for caregin tha touy clal me to do. help me to do the job. also help em to ake rests when inee dit an dhelp my mo udnersatdn im not laz yif i rest. fight for me to have noguh rest and take car eof my self. pleas ehlp me take aar eof mysle fnd teahc em how. giv emwisodm and hela my relatiosnhipw ith my mothe rhelp me dwell with her an dudnerstnadhe r. dleiver her and and hela he rbrian of aspergers syndorme. givher heappyjoyful heart adn may she enocunter oyu love poweruflyl today. dleive rhe rof allucnelan spirits. ad al ym fmaiyl to adn Vilike and B and all epoe. pelase help me do task. make it easier. giveme strenght lvoe power and osudn midn excleltn blood sugar and dleiveranc eform all infection hela my blod and hela my fmaily too our blodo our lives otuch restor eand destory the enmies powe rover us set us fre to serve oyu Lord and may we find that oyu are ther and pelas eodn tlet depresison lonliness ge tinto me at lal today or my mothe rdad my grandma brother sister inlaw. let us surorudn us wiht oyur presence liek asheirld your vice liek music your love . help me to let go of bittenress andalso help me wiht the careiging. and clenaign and pleas eprovid emobiel bed and all formy grandma need.s pelas eprovide of rme godly friendships who draw me otthe lov eof chirst. take away the deivls power inmy lif ein my hoem and fmialy... forgiv eus and help em to be free fo the ucnlena spirits. please please pelase giv my mom wisodm concenrignme and th epweor to obeyoyu always Lord. help her ot bewha touy clal ehr ot be and my dad wtoo and my hubyb formt he Lord an dmysel fan dlapeoel. help me to serve oyu and take away all confusion i may have form other peopel. let mento imagine anywicke dhtign. keep my hear tpure and dleiver em form idols. ipray hti sint henameof the Lord Jeu schir.t please dleive rme form wasitng thign sout of fear.. plase need dleierance and pleas eprovide best clenaing supplise best wisodm how ot clena dn how to commcuniat eiwht lalepoel . giv eme wise udnerstnaidn heart and giv em the oey and iwllignness and the eagernes ot peas eOYu lrod my God. int ehanmeof the Lord Jeus chirst i pray htis for lalpeoel. pleas eod allinyour power to prolongue our lves all lives and prtec tus all escpaically my fmaiyl form accidnet deaht and camities destroy the devils power over us and releas eus ot do OYu Will. bring heaign to te nations. pelas ehlp em fidn my glasses. help me not be angr yor resnetful. mak eit clear to me wha tmy job in this lfie and help me to d oit. thnak yu Lord. in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirs.t protec tmy future offstpign form aleivla dnprotect lalchidlen form evil. Lor dhelp me to accept who I am in Chirst, make me the owmen oyu mad eme to be. help em not be stubbort or angry and lineed deliveracne form ucnlena spirits pelase Lor dset me foree form allmetbaloic disoders adn same wiht my grandma. free my fmaily form depresison anxiety strss hela mymom of asperger syndorme. pelas ehelp mclena dn ekep house and not be so down.. inend oyu ot giv em joy thnak you Lord. thank yu for helaign me thanky ou fo otuchign andhelaign my jaw right now. kepe me motivate dand WALK WIHT OUY HAND IN HAND
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