Good and Faithful Servant
I need agreement in prayer that Jesus would rebuke and never again let Demon's Bad angels, lying Spirits, or EMF type attacks, or electrical, sorcery, black magic, the Devil or any of his cohorts attack my mind ever again!!!!!!! I don't them anything or any room but they still attack me daily, and nightly. I can read scripture and I begin to hear screams in my ears, but later they attack me again. They need to be put to death, for the only way I get my mind back is if they stop saying things in my ears or head completely not just a short time but for good. NO! not through my death but theirs. This has nothing to do with schizophrenia, or any kind of mental disease but either artificial means like some sort of air way thing that allows one to send a verbal message to someone that is too high for most people to hear. As in some electrical device I seen the other night. Or if because I'm almost always praying for Gods kingdom to come Satan. Lucifer, the devil is attacking me this way. I've said I will not take the Mark of the Beast so feel this why!!!! yes I am saying I hear very audible voices in or near my left ear... This has been going on now for about three weeks now. I am strong willed in mind but this crap takes it's toll on my every day life. As I said once I pray I hear screams and things heat up but I can't get them to stop. So this is either some natural thing like I've listed as a EMF attack through the air which we know Satan is the king of so....??? Even if people near me are using something it still boils down to Satan for no one would anyone through this crap if it's not Satan Guiding them!!!! Like now they are getting mad I am here praying and telling people that this is happening. Earlier the noise got so bad I couldn't hear anything but the noise. So I went online and went to a site that had psalms so began reading from psalms 1-51 and then went to sleep in my chair. It seemed to work for a while for when I woke up all I heard was a buzzing sound for about twenty minutes or so, but then it began again... I am so desperate that what I went through before but beat it once but the happenings that I had to endure were not what I want to happen again and fear that may be again... So please in your most Holy warrior mind and beliefs please pray and agree in prayer for me before this happens again. I know scripture say to pray for those who use us spitefully and or whatever else it says but Satan has no redeeming qualities so needs to be put to death and death NOW! SO yes please agree with me in prayer for this thank you In Jesus Name I pray this myself and hope this time it works and not just for a short time but for what ever life I have left. I need Jesus to come back and will not relent so please pray in agreement not just for that but for Satan, and his cohorts to be put to death!!!! Thank you!!!!