Faithful Servant
I need a prayer for an ongoing situation. I am trying so very hard to phrase everything in the positive, only speaking into existence that which I do desire in my life, never giving the creative power of words (remember God spoke to create everything, and in the beginning there was the Word) to fear.
Edit to add the following:
Fear is truly the polar opposite of Faith, but without intention. Both fear and faith "create". In this way, one could even speculate fear is in fact actually faith, but without intentional selection of the object of manifestation.
:End Edit
I'm not even sure how to ask for help praying on this one. I know that "God knows", and people do ask like that, but I've seen very specific prayers work absolute miracles, when they are prayed for by a fervent group of deep true believers, in the name of Jesus Christ. I am thanking the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, that my strength is recognized as women, and that there are only men in my life who understand that it is a man's place to provide for a woman, and a woman's place to build up and emotionally support him, and that a man should be a leader, and that micromanagement is not leadership, and that causing unexpected and unnecessary stress to someone you rely on financially is unwise and unproductive and that it is inappropriate to gossip about people and that leadership comes with profound responsibilities and that there is a BIG difference between: A) constructive two way communication that may involve mutual constructive criticism B) destructive criticism. And further that the only men in my life understand that a VERY VERY wise woman, such as myself, knows how to support a breadwinner man, by always building him up in these ways, and never stressing him out, and that it is DOUBLY UNFAIR that any woman should ever be in such a situation, so as to bear the traditional burden of a man, whilst simultaneously sustaining constant treatment such as would come from a very very unwise woman. This is not to imply that any such man is a woman. This is not to indicate any given person.
Also, please pray with me that no man will be allowed to linger for years unsure of what he wants out of a relationship with me, never actually committing, and using my reaction to his absence of commitment as a man as an excuse to continue treating me exactly the same way.
Edit to add the following:
Fear is truly the polar opposite of Faith, but without intention. Both fear and faith "create". In this way, one could even speculate fear is in fact actually faith, but without intentional selection of the object of manifestation.
:End Edit
I'm not even sure how to ask for help praying on this one. I know that "God knows", and people do ask like that, but I've seen very specific prayers work absolute miracles, when they are prayed for by a fervent group of deep true believers, in the name of Jesus Christ. I am thanking the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, that my strength is recognized as women, and that there are only men in my life who understand that it is a man's place to provide for a woman, and a woman's place to build up and emotionally support him, and that a man should be a leader, and that micromanagement is not leadership, and that causing unexpected and unnecessary stress to someone you rely on financially is unwise and unproductive and that it is inappropriate to gossip about people and that leadership comes with profound responsibilities and that there is a BIG difference between: A) constructive two way communication that may involve mutual constructive criticism B) destructive criticism. And further that the only men in my life understand that a VERY VERY wise woman, such as myself, knows how to support a breadwinner man, by always building him up in these ways, and never stressing him out, and that it is DOUBLY UNFAIR that any woman should ever be in such a situation, so as to bear the traditional burden of a man, whilst simultaneously sustaining constant treatment such as would come from a very very unwise woman. This is not to imply that any such man is a woman. This is not to indicate any given person.
Also, please pray with me that no man will be allowed to linger for years unsure of what he wants out of a relationship with me, never actually committing, and using my reaction to his absence of commitment as a man as an excuse to continue treating me exactly the same way.