If you are sincere about your soul , then all you need to do is confess that you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins { the bible tells us that ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God } and that He arose from the dead and now sits at the right hand of God . You see , sin separates us from a holy God and Jesus dying for our sins brings us back in right relationship with Him . Only Jesus could do that because He is sinless . Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and He will . God never forces Himself on anyone , it is totally up to us to accept His free gift of salvation . We can do nothing without the Lord's help , we need Him to help us live the way He wants us to . You not only need to read the bible everyday , you need to pray , and that is simply just talking to your heavenly Father . Praying is not only asking Him for something , it is telling Him that you love Him and are thankful for what He is doing in your life . You also need to find a good full bible teaching church to go to , you need to surround yourself with other believers who will encourage your walk with the Lord . Asking Jesus into your heart is the best decision that you will ever make . The moment you say the prayer , the your name is written down in heaven and heaven will become your eternal home .