i liv ein HUngary wiht my mom and grandme. My mom has aspergers and my grandma is bedridden with congestive heart fialure with dementia malntirtion kidney disease diabetes insipudis numerous infecitons bacter seizures her bod yis deformed and cannot get wast eout due to osteoporisis strepinfectionand kidney stones. she doesnt oepn her eyes she has muscle atrophy and it is very hard to feed her. asking for a miracle. i am her careiver and have diabtes renal disease and insulin resistance strepteccosus flesh eatind disorder. my mom has aspergers adn streppteccos fesh eatign disorder. Every day i beg God for help healing. I libvein hUngary. practicaly no medical care as they wont even evaluate properly grandma like tumors etc.. I ams o heart broken I am so weak. LORD PLASE HELP US I BEG YOU PEAS HELP US IBEG YOU PASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!. Iam all alone trying to care for my fmaily. i hae begging for prayers. my grandma is havign heart failure i dotn want to lose her. PLEase pray the lor dhelps. salso iam so weak need helpw ith caregivign.w e also liv ein poverty. Iam so heartbroken. PLease pray the Lord intervenes and dleivers my fmaily form all evil and dleivers us form the deivl saves my whoel famiyla dn give us abundant life. pelase pray also my dad overseas tobe ahele dof flesh eatign bacteri in body and also my brother too also overseas to be dleivere dof histmaine intolernace and eatign disorder and all illness and for him and his wife to and al my fmail blooodlien to be dleivere dof the deivl Lord svae sus uhela us. Help us!! Lor dpelase have emrcy pelas do alliny our power to prolong our lives ot make us healthy help us Lord gi em the support i need as well the helaign i need and smae with all peopel inthe nam eof the Lord Jesu christ for His Glory. need miralcehelp Lord please.PLEas emy lif eis a nightmare PELase Lord JEus Chirst im so exhasuted pelase help please help for oyur Glory by your power.
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