Disciple of Prayer
I know this doesn't sound like a big deal, but trust me, it absolutely is... and I really need God to do something about it. So my sister snuck into my bedroom, this isn't allowed in my household because my room is my only safe space that's just for me. She found my most private possessions including some extremely personal information. I had a five-minute panic attack, bawled my eyes out, and genuinely want to die (especially considering how much I care about what my family members think of me—this is one of the most important things to me). It's taking every bit of strength in me to not trash my room in a rage and somehow get revenge on my sister. This is causing me unbearable anxiety not knowing how much she found out, or whom she's told. I feel so so vulnerable and absolutely humiliated. All I want is for her to forget it all, or at least know that there's a reasonable explanation for most everything she saw. Please. I can't have her think I'm weird and gross. I can't have her tell her friends or our parents these newfound things about me. All I want is for things to work out, please!