Every day, before we get up from bed and see the light of a new day we should bow down before the Lord our God and say....
I just want to praise You.
Lift my hands and say...
I love You.
You are everything to me.
And I exalt Your holy name on high.
I exalt You now.
Let us draw closer to Jesus and He will draw closer to all of and send His blessing, His help, His healing and mercy, and then, we shall continue to continue to adore His holy name for ages to come.
I just want to praise You.
Lift my hands and say...
I love You.
You are everything to me.
And I exalt Your holy name on high.
I exalt You now.
Let us draw closer to Jesus and He will draw closer to all of and send His blessing, His help, His healing and mercy, and then, we shall continue to continue to adore His holy name for ages to come.