Tomorrow, I have to preach the Word of God in a local church. Please support me with prayers to God. Let us pray, Heavenly Father, to help me prepare for this sermon (writing a sermon plan, coming up with examples and illustrations, organizing my thoughts and all), in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us pray that God will give me a very strong anointing, wisdom and boldness, so that with this sermon to be maximally effective in achieving God's goals, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ! Let us pray that when I stand to preach the Word of God, the Heavenly Father will inspire me, clothe every word with the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, so that all God's will will be done in the Name of Jesus Christ! Let us pray that God will help me to fulfill this task (my ministry in this church) in such a way as to make my Heavenly Father's heart as gladly as possible and to glorify His Name, in the Name and Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Thank you for praying and supporting me. God bless you.