PraySite Requests
I have been with my boyfriend Jonathan for about 4 years. I can
truly can say that he and I have been through everything together. All
of these things have made us stronger. He is the only man in my life
that I have been with I feel understand me and loves every bit of my
craziness. We have been through every bit of up and down we can
handle. The only problem that I have with him is he has commitment issues. I
want to get married and when you say the word marriage, you literary
can see the color leave his face. He claims he doesn
truly can say that he and I have been through everything together. All
of these things have made us stronger. He is the only man in my life
that I have been with I feel understand me and loves every bit of my
craziness. We have been through every bit of up and down we can
handle. The only problem that I have with him is he has commitment issues. I
want to get married and when you say the word marriage, you literary
can see the color leave his face. He claims he doesn