Beloved of All
I have been having problems with a very mean-spirited and spiritually abusive person who claims to be a Christian and I am starting to feel very disillusioned in my faith. This person is always doing things to remind me of my past and the life that I lived outside of Christ in very cruel ways. I am getting very tired of it and I do not understand why God does not stop this person, remove them from my life or just defend me. I do not want to confront them as I am trying to keep the peace. I have asked over and over again for God to protect me from this person or to do something to stop them. I am starting to feel so low from this person's bullying and my mental health is really being affected. I feel so lost as a Christian and am starting to become resistant toward God. This is not the only experience that I have had with spiritual abuse in the church and I am starting to want to just walk away from my faith altogether. I understand that this is not godly behavior or a good mindset to be in. Please pray for me.