i have a part time business pre paid legal services that is not doing that well i just place it in gods hands i ask his hands will be all over it i ask that god will use me as a servant of his peoplei ask he will put people in my path that i can help and direct me to places that i can find people i can help i ask that god will open some big doors i need more associates and more business i ask he will stat to work on this i also i need to make more income from this business per month i ask that god will start to work on it i ask god to start to open doors that never would never been able to open i ask god will start to work on it right way im also trying to achieve a level in the business i ask god grabs me by the hand and really gets me up there i ask the lord to help me retire my parents this year i ask you to to add me to your prayer meetings and your praying list please pray with out ceasing god bless you luis