Disciple of Prayer
I have a great life no cops come in the morning. Brandon and I get along greatly. Myles Hass & Enrique don't have my marriage air lifestyle w moments w anyone else or anyone.Fire stays lit while we're together everyone doesn't follow us that shouldn't I get get go.tohome to NZ land paid in full Paid in land Las Vegas or Lake Tahoe land Morgan immediately pays my divorce done.Kayleena Myles don't see each at in my Grace Mom's animating. Sharon's anointing Null and void not a good thing. Doors open for a great place to stay no drama. Everyone has a Buenos Dias John DNA based. I can hear and see in my air easily everyone hears Godswill not the devil's it's just evil cruel.Kareena Ariana Grande Selena Gomez Rebecca Myers Miley Cyrus JLO Kyle David Trimble mother &crew Albert Albert Salcedo mother &crew Who is Jackie God's will None of my GRACE Albert Wife Albert Paula Teresa Albert Paula Joel Magdalena Mark Day Bill Day who is saying there Enrique the lieing spirit Richard Boyd if he is the liar & Killer & Oma Sharon let the truth David Trimble mother Anthony Ferguson &crew Anthony Ferguson.&David Trimble mother David Trimble has no voice power in my marriage air Myles -Hass mother deals her own that she wanted. Done to me. Paris Hilton has none of my Mrs11:11 Online abilities nor does her son he doesn't have any of my GRACE no one is able to reap keep hinder steal or take my position those that have let them rot in hell. Leilani is happy not stuck in hell Leilani gets along Greatly or gets someone new if they don't make it if she makes it w Donald then they have another baby. Lizzy &Noah get back together removing everyone that's not a good thing or Lizzy gets someone new heart's desire for myself and myself my kids. Who is not wanting me happy is exposed no way to be around anyone everyone in the World remove them they don't them around they all know that's a good thing to remove weird confusion people who hates my family. Who what is speaking in my air is binded up if it's not a good.thing. Christina Creller has no Air she goes alone for putting her own daughter in my Air.Kayleena weird creature chokes out on everyone in the world.Rebecca weird creature chokes on everyone in the world. Luis mother creature chokes out on everyone in the world. Karenne your creature chokes out on everyone in the world. Luis Joel creatures chokes out on everyone in the world. Kyle creatures chokes out on everyone in the world. All creatures from Paula's etc choke out on everyone in the World Kayleena creatures Shaleen Rebecca Ariana Grande Miley Cyrus Richard Boyds Oma Sharon's Boyd Gwen Braden Kelly couldron Tori Shylo creatures choke out in everyone in the world David Trimble mother David Trimble his father Creatures chokes in on everyone in the world.Sara Jake James creatures choke out on everyone in the world. .ark Day Bill Day creatures choke out on everyone in the world. God Almighty remove the moon witchcraft done on my marriage prayers Air. Anthony Ferguson Mother Anthony Ferguson crew Kim Ferguson chokes out creatures don't move they don't speak to anyone in the world Joshua Nixon his mother him Tina Horvath Jo CalzadonThe Brad all other weapons don't remember my name my kids my husband of the Lord anyone innocent they instead the weapons choke out no mercy Hector Maya Larry Brandon and there crew and creatures choke out on the world air. Alicia Hailey Everyone from my past that sneakily slept with the Husband of the Lord let them never return to my wedding Air that have been in it let them have no peace there hooks broken from my jaw life heart mid time spine my kids. My mom my Pops everyone. Anthony Ferguson his evil snakes hooks tieing me up breaking everything killing everything is over. Kayleena has no Air to say she's done or say my name no weapons have my air to speak In. Richard Boyd Komodos if they don't listen they choke out right now because they are way to evil they don't listen to reason. Let the Komodos choke out that need to and anacondas any part of Opad Army they no honor in holding me as a princess down in Rape. Because Richard Boyd Komodos that help him r exposed that r used to Rape me let the Komodos. That help the weapons and r happy to choke out I don't need there help. Michael Aldridge his crew that continually comes against me choke out enough is enough. It gets warmer today and no Air of my sunshine is taken from me. I'm born on 6 so I learn what I need easily that my birth right entails. Myself husband of the Lord Myles Hass Enrique Joey my kids we all have our souls safe family friends no more rape no more wandering vagabound curses. Let the wandering vagabound rape curse go straight back to Kayleena Christina Creller and everyone who secretly slept with my husband of the Lord so he wouldn't make it to me. Let the enemies who didn't want me happy not speak in my air ever again. Railroad tracks trains r used for good for me always. Mary is well Mom is well her anointing isn't used against my life my kids my family friends ever again period permanently. Those who hurt my mother if she wasn't evil all along let them become just weird the way u made her. Let 3 am be the worst time In the day for everyone that killed my life time dreams come true air. Let my marriage air b cursed that's in my enemies lives and let them have no way to ever b happy again In my wedding Air or anyone's ever again. Enrique Iglesias is set free from being in wedding Air cursed from me everyone is that's a good thing and the Husbands but not the weapons it's. Cursed no way to speak demons have no voice no power. David Trimble has no one's anoiting. Jennifer Love Hewitt all actresses don't repair my air don't reap my wedding Air Jennifer Aniston All Jennifer's don't reap my wedding Air no peace for evil doers. Let Sharon not able to speak in my air ever let her anioiting be null void. Rebecca no way to speak in my air at all ever again.. let all who did me wrong that I ministered to have never a sound day no peace no one to hold them no on to text them no one has them In there heart's. No heart's desires in there lives. David Trimble mother father and crew have no voice power no Joy of the Lord no broken ground no peace of mine my kids or anyone else. Albert Salcedo mother Mrs Khan and crew have no wedding Air of mine no power of mine no way to be happy at all 3ver again. No one messes with my tent or my possessions my name my kids family friends that's a good thing and husbands. Richard Boyd cannot ever soul mate to me. I can hear see my soul mate he can hear see me no problems. I'm not one near my tent nothing weird now evil binded up