I have a court date on October 23rd of this month It is a pre trial hearing in regards to a business that my ex husband and I co own together and also on that date in court the judge will be dealing with contempt charges that I filed against my ex because he has not paid my court ordered spousal support and seperate contempt charges that I filed because he cancelled my health insurance for the third time I am a cancer suvior. my husband left me 3 weeks after having a major surgery. he left me for our very young secretary he treated me like as if I were nothing and kept finances from me. our secretary was only making about 400 a week and after he left me he put her on salary paying her 6,600 per month. he put our new boat in her name and the court ordered him to change it back to his name and he did, but then months later he sold our boat and sold 2 lots and did this against court orders that we were not to sell anything. he also sold a couple of company trucks. and he and his girlfriend have went on numerious vacations and spent 39,000 on a medical procedure to have twin boys while I have lived in poverty. he started walking with the lord again a couple of years ago and broke up with the girlfriend which I think they should be together to raise the boys but he still continues to lie to the court and also with held paperwork and true facts regarding the money that our company makes he was doing alot of cash deals that I cannot prove, So I PRAY for favor that the JUDGE WILL ORDER HIM TO REINSTATE MY HEALTH INSURANCE, And also that he will be made to pay me all of the spousal support payments and also that now that the forensic accountant has finished with his report and we at least have a truer number of his income instead of it being 2,800.00 it is shown to be 12,000.00 I PRAY THAT THE JUDGE WILL ADJUST MY SUPPORT to being what it should have been for the past 5 years, And I pray the the TRUTH will all come out and be revealed to the courts,AND FOR VICTORY IN THIS CASE, and I also have a TRIAL DATE OF NOVEMBER 4,2009, THIS IS THE BIG DAY THAT THE LORD WILL MOVE IN, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS I REALLY NEED THEM, GOD BLESS YOU, Kathy