God i pray that this person will not be stubborn. Let his ways will be Gods ways. Please help him not to have his own way but to let Gods way in Jesus name. Help him...
I hear in the spirit that if you go on like this you are in danger to have some kind of brain aneurisma. Stubborness can cost you. Dont be like Nabuchadnezar, repent and go the right way, the soft way, the Jesus way, the forgiveness way...Gods ways are higher then your ways and his thoughts are higher then yours.
Do you beleive that God has in store marvelous things for you. Great treasures and riches? I see you can become even a MILLIONAIRE if you repent of your old ways, in Jesus name. What do you waiting for, repent, go on your knees before God and he will find you there and forgive your for all your stubbernes. God is good and kind and loving.
Repent...Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything will be added unto you. Be not only the hearer of the word, but also a doer. When God says, forgive, then you FORGIVE, dont find ways and excuses not to do that. He knows why he is saying that. He knows what splendid things are waiting for you around the corner.
I only say what i saw in the spirit. Do not be mad at me. Listen to the instructions and your situation will turn around in the shortest time possible. You do not need any special prayers...Just turn around in the opposite direction and all will be well. God bless you....He loves you and has great patience for you...