In the name of Jésûs, the Savior of All, I pray for the deliverance of this soul out of her/ her strait that has entrapped him/ her into adultery. Chide the devil, destroy his devilish underlings, and expel them back into Hell whence they rose, so that they may be unfastened from the bonds of sin. Send the Holy Ghost, help him/ her to pay penance to reshape his lifestyle, and be evasive of the enticement for the uplifting of his/ her soul out of the net. O God, it is affirmed by the apostles' epistles that, though a man may have offended in the Law, yet Your grace has pardoned the costs in all time for his/ her salvation. There is no more judgment, only mercy to set him/ her a gentler path without sternness to his/ her hurts as in the Old Testament's ways. Thank you, o God, that You love him/ her as Your child to be his helper in this time of trouble to watch over his/ her way to remain aright all of his/ her days afterwards.