I gave up. I just want this desire gone. It won't happen again I refuse to try. I'm meant to be aloneno one likes me and no one has ever liked me ivI've never had a friend or anything not even agirlfriend and i realise now I never will. Nothing will ever change and I realise that now. I gave up and I refuse to even take one friend if one comes to me because I am called to be alone. I don't want this desire for a wife or a friend or a companion it is breaking my heart and I don't want it. I want it gone. I want it to leave. I refuse to try. Please lord take away the desire of wanting a friend or a girlfriend to be a good wife for me. I never have had a friend and I realise now I'm never going to. I'm better off alone. Please I beg you take my desire away I don't want it anymore. Its hurting me. All it has caused is people to tell me that I'm not good enough and that I don't deserve it. I don't want that. I'll stay alone and learn how to be happy with out a companion. To learn how to smile with out feeling the effects of love from another person. I'll stay this way and be much happier with it. I just want my desire to leave. Because its hurting me. In Jesus name amen.