Humble Servant
I found this wonderful and powerful "Battle Prayer" online and wish to share it with you. I am going to pray for a very negative attack from adversaries at work who are trying to get rid of my position although I have worked very hard and have helped thousands of sick and wounded Soldiers in the last ten years. You can fill in the words for your own personal battle. "The Battle Prayer" Father, in the Name of Jesus, I now come boldly before your Throne to stand against the negative attacks at work. I have been under severe attack by negative adversaries at my job. Father, in the Name of Jesus, I now ask that You take this battle up for me (or the person you're praying for) and that You bring total and complete deliverance to me from the unjust attacks and negative adversaries at work. Father, in the Name of Jesus, I now Plead the Blood of Jesus directly against these attacks at my work. I now plead the Blood of Jesus against all verbal, non-verbal, overt, covert, and unjust attacks against me and my position at work. If there are any demons influencing these negative adversaries at my work, I now Plead the Blood of Jesus against each and every demon that is operating behind the scenes causing this. Demons, go now, in the Name of Jesus! I repeat, go now in the Name of Jesus! Father, in the Name of Jesus, I now Plead the Blood of Jesus as a Bloodline around me and my job. Father, from this moment on, I believe this Bloodline will now protect me from any further attacks from the negative adversaries at my work. Father, I now ask that You move as quickly as You possibly can to end this harassing and negative situation with my job and You bring complete and total deliverance from the adverse situation. Father, I have full faith and belief that the Blood of Your Son Jesus will now protect me from any further attacks from these negative adversaries and that You will now move in the time frame that you so desire to set me free completely free from these negative adversaries and conditions and place me in a safer, more desirable and blessed place as it be your Holy Will. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit. AMEN