Beloved of All
i feel ver yill due to illness i jsut dotn see much hope out of this. i need God ot really itnervene and help . its really hrd . my parnts need shelaign and grandm and brother his wif epregnant aksign fo rsafe healhtly miralc ehappy belsse dpregnancy and blesse dheappy ebutifiul storng neephew. Lor dheal my dyds heart gie him plenty of oxygne.pelase dleive rb form smokign and alchalism. pekeas eigv ehimy our salvaiotn.Lor dpelase dleiv rus tongiht form rats bugs scrathcing on walls pelase deive rme form the eivl in my bodyi need help dlieve rme form type 1 diabeteyi beg oyu Lor dhave rmcy help m i ebg oyu hav emrcy ahve mercy pela seprovid eme a husband to love an dbe loved ot in CHirsit our own dwlelgin plac. eneed help with my phobia pleas eigv em ymom good sleep and helainand dentla miralces an dhel my grandm aformd mentia small bowel osbturciotn snydorme brign helaign to us merr yheart hela al ontihsist ehtie rfmialei san dhtos ien emergency rooms. God save us all hela us and do allinyour power to protect an dprevnt my fmaily form accidient collison and also deht. please protec ut sat laltimes. dleive rme form this hrorribel illness....