Beloved of All
i feel so unlove dby a relative whom i am called to help. i dont know how to live liek htis. Lor dpleas ehal my of tye 1 diabete shelp em carr ymy cross. help me to clena the house. ims o tire dof my sturggles. Please Lord make this a good day osmehow. pelase deliver em form mean angry bitte rpeopelw ho take it out on me pelas edliever them form these evil spirits.Lor dim too tired. to worn down form poel who are toxic. pelase keep them awaqy ofrm me deliver themf orm alle ivls spirit.sim so tire dof the abuse.Lor dpelas eset me free form their abuse and the powe rof abus ehave no powe rover me. nO bod yhave power ove rme nooen no evil only the holy spirit. Lor di kindly aks you i beg oyu. no more abuse in my life. pelase im huritng. no mroe abus eno mor ebause. take me awy form all who abuse me pleas ei ebg you no more bause no more abuse. ic ant liv elike this i feel so panicky al the tiem i dotn wanna live like that ever again I ask int he name of the lor djeus Chirs ttha tGod provid eof rme a hoem wher ei cna breathe wehere i dotn haev to walk on eggshells with a husband of my own hwom i dotn have to wlak on eggshells with who loves me unconditonalyl i dotn wanna do this anymore. no mroe beign hurt by fmaiyl mebers no mroe!!!! if they cna tbe nice to me Lord thake me awa form them i dont want anymor eabuse i also ened hel pwith my taks. plreas ehelp em eb wihtme sttrenghtn eme. i lift me out of this pit. i feels so stuck. Lor dsave my lfie reddem restore and hela me. hela my parents bless them but help them hela them emotionally pelas eGod i ebg you int henameof the Lord Jeus chirst. pela shela my emotionalyl as well Lord. pelase dend peopel who do me good always and nver bad. pease onyl goodpeople in my lfi eno abd havign a hard tie cairgn for my grandma Lor di need help. pelas esend someoen to love me like Christ tloves own husband who will take me away form abuse hoem life. im not perfect but im so tire dof haivng ot pelas ethem all the itme! pelas ehla them of asperger syndorm. please help me everyday revolves aorund pleasign them this is not love i need help Please! Lor di feel liek every responsibilit yia a a burden. pelase mak emy life less burdonesome everday is liek carrign a huge cross. pelase giv em abudnant life. im tire dof sadness. giv eme ot dirnk Lor dpleas eint henameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirs it iask and i pray this for lal peopel to. help me make th appoingtment let the guy eb ther ehelp me get al the stuff sorte dout. Lor dim so exhauted. Im so tired of livign liek im a slave. i waan be free osmehow Lor dhelp ,. wil i ever behappya gian? pelas ehelp me..